I’m a Fullstack Developer Based in Bavaria, Germany
My focus are web applications where I started small with so called DHTML and JavaScript in 2006. Check out my legacy projects to learn more.
Over the years I gained a deep knowledge in C# and .NET where Linq and Regex became beloved tools of mine. Anyways, technologies doesn’t matter that much as knowledge of good software design and design patterns. Applying Clean Code principles, steady refactoring and refining business logic are essential steps to serious software development. As well a high test covarage ensures reliability, maintainability, extendability and not least good performance.

Moreover my high confirmation of analytical thinking led to interests in epistemology and practical music skills.
Early works as a student
Web projects and tooling

Custom tool in C# for liquidity planning
Parsing PDF files and tagging contents by configured conditions. CSV can be imported with Power BI for further data evaluation.
Everybody should be able to have an easy overview of their personal finances these days but with respect of privacy.
You can check out the sources on GitHub.

Collaboration with FTT on their projects like MenschLink. The vision of MenschLink is to provide a career platform where you can find your best fitting profession that will fulfill your personal destination. This process will be supported by artificial intelligence.
Main activities were consultancy for clean code and quality assurance.

Better Args App
Developing of a prototype app for conflict management. The idea is to improve your debating skills for a better family life 🧬 with less ⚡ conflicts. It provides excercises and an AI driven dialog that gives you an 👂. Development currently freezed due to data privacy concerns for end users.
You can check out the sources on GitHub.
PS: mother-earth.ai is an inspiring project too.

My Song Repertoire (Song Repo)
An app for musicians to keep an overview of their personal song repertoire. It also features an integrated blog with useful articels and event calendar with synced open piano events.
You can check out the sources on GitHub.

Why App
An app for anyone looking for the meaning of life. In addition to an interactive course with reflective content, a blog also addresses philosophical and sociological topics. The technical basis is Angular (PWA), Material, Firebase and FireCMS for now.
You can check out the sources on GitHub.
My expertise Area
Soft skills
Analytical thinking; loyality, surgency, good at team-working, Always trying to find the balance between perfectionismn and pragmatism
Other interests
Philosophy, music theory, playing (public) pianos, video cutting, (instructing) artistic rollerblading aka “Freestyle Slalom”Experience and gained knowledge
2005 - 2009
AEbt Angewandte Eisenbahntechnik GmbH, NurembergInformatics
Software-Validation and -testing according to EN-Norms to support approvals2010 - 2012
Vogler Engineering GmbH, HofStudent employee
Software development for automation systems in C#, WPF, HTML5 and JavaScript2012 - 2013
Fraunhofer IIS, ErlangenProject- and Bachelorthesis
Facerecognition with SHORE: Optimizing human age estimation (Lua, Python)2013 - 2017
Kratzer Automation AG, UnterschleißheimFullstack Developer
Web-Apps in C#, ASP.Net, DevExpress, GoJS, E2E Tests with Selenium, SVN, CI/CD with Jenkins, Customer projects for testXplorer-Suite2017 - 2018
AVL Deutschland GmbH, MunichFullstack Developer
Web-Apps in C#, Cluu, Angular; New product project "Lab Manager"2018 - 2022
InLoox GmbHFullstack Developer
Web-Apps in C#, ASP.Net, Angular, Cypress, DevExpress, E2E Tests with Selenium / Appium, Git, DevOps, Azure, Customer Support2023
comspace GmbH & Co. KGFrontend Developer
Web-Apps in Nuxt.js, JavaScript, Storyblok2024
ppedv AG CampusIT-Trainer
Angular, TypeScript, C#, .NETCollaborating on projects for common visions
I believe in fairness and a balanced world. As a minimalist I am not good with 'too much' of everything. Key is mindfulness and to be grateful for the obvious and small things in life. So I'd like to distance myself from work that relate to finance, trading, pharma and automotive.
Education and culture on a small scale are important for a healthy society. It's funny but did you know that volunteers are responsible for the fundament of our connected world? Most servers run on Linux and even huge software projects make heavily use of open source software like Log4J.