debug.js — what for?

Try it yourself

    1. firstly enable debug   debug.html?debug
       1a. set config         println.config({ clearOnDblClick: true, overrideAlert: true }, show) 
       1b. or this config     println.config({ clearOnDblClick: false, overrideAlert: false }, show) 
       1c. append style{ left: "50%", background: 'aliceblue' })
    2. print some text        println('Hello World!')
       2a. and again          println('Some more Text')
       2b. and once again     println('Get outa here!', true)
       2c. limited...         println('Max 3 times', 3)
       2d. time         println('Limited in time', 0, 2000)
    3. print some objects     println(someObject)
       3a. even your DOM      println(window, 1)
       3b. whatever you like  println()
    4. force some error:'does not exist')    
    If you like you can also use alert(). (You have to override it via config)